KIMERA KOLORS signature blend ROBERT KARLSSON set di 6 boccette di COLORE ACRILICO età 14+ pegaso models - 1
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KIMERA KOLORS signature blend ROBERT KARLSSON set di 6 boccette di COLORE ACRILICO età 14+

KIMERA KOLORS signature blend ROBERT KARLSSON set di 6 boccette di COLORE ACRILICO età 14+

Scatola con 6 boccette di colore SIGNATURE BLEND - ROBERT KARLSSON - KIMERA KOLORS, di Pegaso Models.

Età: 14+

44,99 € (Tasse incl.) 36,88 € (Tasse escluse)
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KIMERA KOLORS signature blend ROBERT KARLSSON set di 6 boccette di COLORE ACRILICO età 14+

Scatola con 6 boccette di colore SIGNATURE BLEND - ROBERT KARLSSON - KIMERA KOLORS, di Pegaso Models.

Età: 14+


Gold 79
Salmon Skin
Pink Skin
Fuchsia Skin
Sea Blue
Blue Black

KIMERA KOLORS SIGNATURE BLEND: Robert Karlsson – Dark Fairy Tales

6 acrylics created by the artist, 30ml dropper bottle with flip top cap, agitator steel ball inside each pot

In collaboration with some of the best artists in the miniature world we have created this new line that represents the history, the way of painting and the pictorial philosophy of these great characters, combining their talent with the power of our pigments.
How many times have we wondered how our painting heroes made their masterpieces?
Today we are answering this question through these sets created hand in hand with the artists that signed them. Through these complex blends you can recreate the work of these masters and you can use them in conjunction with the KIMERA KOLORS PURE PIGMENTS line.

Because if it is true that we certainly cannot give you their “hands”, we can give you their “tools” and their “instructions”!

The SIGNATURE Line consists of sets of 6 paints, held together by the artistic choices of the author; whether they are thematic sets, dedicated to a single pictorial topic, or real toolboxes of the artist’s style. They represent the first step to understand their pictorial world and to help you reproduce it, draw inspiration from it and evolve yours.

Inside the box there will also be a leaflet with the explanation on how to use the set directly from the hands of the creator.

These paints are complex blends created by the artists expressely made to fit their painting vision and the way they paint. They are made with the full range of pigments Kimera has (more than the 13 in the main set) and they differ a bit for consistency, mattness and other things depending on the paint. They complement well the Pure set and they are best used as bridges to achieve some desired effects.
These paints have the kimera pigments in them, in heavy quantities as always. This means you get the power you are used to with the pure set and amazing coverage. They also mix perfectly well with the base set and they are a very good expansion for that. On top of this, there is the work of the artist behind the set. Because these are not just sets branded with the name of an artist on top. These paints were conceived freely by the artist and from conceptualizing them to the realization it took us more than 1 year of constant work. The artists involved worked side by side with us to create each of the 6 paints with the characteristics they wanted them to have in order to have the perfect paint for how they paint. 

Our colors are all manufactured in Italy by Camerini &Co, a color company with almost 100 years of experience, that worked alongside with us to perfect every single detail.

Kimera Kolors are designed by artists for artists.


Gold 79
Salmon Skin
Pink Skin
Fuchsia Skin
Sea Blue
Blue Black

2 Articoli

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